Volunteer Application

Your Contact Info
Emergency Contact info
Drivers License Info
Scheduling - Location Info
Liability and Confidentiality
Type your name below, as it appears at the beginning of this form, to agree to the above statement.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT - It is understood that as a volunteer of Meals on Wheels of The Sandhills you will protect the privacy of all those we serve by maintaining strict confidentiality when discussing meal recipients and the nature of their health conditions. Under no circumstances should a volunteer from Meals on Wheels of The Sandhills divulge recipient information to anyone outside the organization.

Liability Waiver

By signing this document, I voluntarily waive, release, and hold harmless Meals on Wheels Of The Sandhills, Inc. of any liability due to accident or illness while performing volunteer services. I also agree for myself and for any child/minor volunteer I am responsible for to follow all rules, procedures, and instructions that apply to my role.

If I am allowing a child/minor to participate in the activity, I agree that I am a parent, legal guardian, or am otherwise responsible for the child/minor who is participating, and I release, waive, and discharge any legal rights that I may assert on behalf of them volunteering. Furthermore, I understand that Meals on Wheels Of The Sandhills, Inc.  provides no compensation, insurance, or worker's compensation coverage for my child or me.


Confidentiality of Information 

All MOWS volunteers are required to respect and maintain the confidentiality, both during and after  their volunteer service with MOWS, of all MOWS trade secrets and proprietary information, including  but not limited to participant information, business documents, reports, records, files, and  correspondence and communications, to which the volunteer has access in carrying out their responsibilities and duties. None of the above may be copied or removed from the premises of MOWS  without prior written consent from the Executive Director. To protect our recipients, route sheets should be shredded/destroyed or returned back to MOWS for destruction/shredding. The names and addresses of MOWS  donors are also considered confidential, as well as any and all participant and volunteer information.  Release of confidential information to any unauthorized parties must be approved in advance in writing  by the Executive Director.

All Volunteers are expected to show the highest regard for the privacy of each participant by observing  strict regulations created by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) which  protects the confidentiality of participant information on record with MOWS. Confidentiality is essential  to the sound relationship with our participants. It is also a legal and ethical matter of the utmost  importance. All volunteers are to exercise great care when discussing participant services. Care should  be taken to prevent discussions regarding participant services from being overheard by other  participants, volunteers or staff members not involved in such services.  

Any inappropriate discussion of participant information or similar violation of these standards may  result in immediate termination of volunteer service. Volunteers must not disclose information for any  purpose without written consent of the participant, the participant’s attorney, or the participant’s  guardian, except as may be required by funding agencies, or directly connected with arranging for  services to be provided, or administration and development of the program.

Volunteers have an obligation to report violations or suspected violations of these prohibitions to their  immediate supervisor or Human Resources.

Code of Conduct
Click 'Code of Conduct' below. Then please read the code of conduct, and affirm you have done so, and will comply with that code, by checking the checkbox below it.

Code of Ethics and Conduct 

The Code of Ethics & Conduct is a guide to help volunteers to live up to MOWS’s ethical standards and  their own. MOWS will not permit, condone or tolerate illegal or unethical behavior. No volunteer will be  required to tolerate this type of behavior. 


Illegal or Unethical Behavior 

Illegal or unethical behaviors are forms of misconduct which undermine the integrity of MOWS’ reputation. This behavior can occur between volunteers in the workplace, as well as between volunteers  and participants, board members, outside vendors, donors, any governmental or regulatory agencies, consultants,  employees, visitors, etc. Some forms of illegal or unethical behavior include, but are not limited to: 
∙ Fraud 

∙ Falsification of MOWS records 

∙ Failure to comply with all applicable laws  and government regulations 

∙ Violence and threats of violence to staff,    volunteers, participants and others 

              ∙ Obey all relevant laws 

              ∙ Theft 

              ∙ Drug & alcohol abuse 

              ∙ Sexual and other discriminatory  harassment  

              ∙ Discrimination
Treat everyone fairly, with dignity and with respect 

                             This means we treat others with dignity and respect, and demonstrate the values of MOWS.  

Deal honestly and fairly with participants, staff, volunteers, board members, suppliers, donors,  governmental and regulatory agencies 

Volunteers are expected to conduct themselves at all times with integrity and in a manner that reflects  well on themselves and on MOWS. 


Avoid conflicts of interest 

Volunteers should avoid situations with actual or potential conflicts of interest.  


Maintain confidentiality 

Volunteers must observe the confidentiality of information that they acquire in carrying out their   duties. 


All allegations of improper, illegal, or unethical conduct will be promptly and objectively investigated.  Your confidentiality and that of any witnesses and the person or persons that allegedly acted  inappropriately will be protected to the extent appropriate while allowing for a fair investigation and  any necessary corrective action. When the investigation is completed, you will be informed of the outcome of the investigation, to the  extent appropriate, without breaching the necessary confidentiality.



Volunteer Responsibilities to Disclose 

The integrity of the organization is diminished whenever these standards are violated. If you become  aware of facts or circumstances that you believe constitute a violation, you should promptly report the  suspected violation to the Executive Director, or the Board of Directors, or the Board President.  


Drug-Free Policy 

MOWS provides a drug-free environment in compliance with federal, state and local laws. The purpose  of this policy is to reinforce the long-standing commitment of MOWS to provide a safe and healthy  environment for all. 

The use, possession, manufacture, and distribution, dispensation or sale of illegal drugs, alcohol, or any  controlled substance on MOWS premises or program sites, in MOWS vehicles or during volunteer hours,  is strictly prohibited. Similarly, it is prohibited for any volunteer to be under the influence of illegal  drugs, alcohol, or any controlled substance on MOWS premises or program sites, in MOWS vehicles or  during working hours.  

For purposes of this policy, the following terms have the following definitions: 

1. “Under the Influence” means that the volunteer is affected by an illegal drug or alcohol or the  combination of a legal drug and an illegal drug and/or alcohol in any detectable manner. 2. “Legal Drug” means any prescribed or over-the-counter drug which has been legally obtained  and is being used for the purpose for which it was prescribed or manufactured. a. Marijuana – including “medical marijuana” – is illegal under federal law and may not be  used in the workplace. All volunteers are prohibited from being under the influence of  marijuana while at work. 

      3. “Illegal Drug” means any drug which is not legally obtainable or which is legally obtainable 

      but  has not been legally obtained including, but not limited to, marijuana, any   

      prescription drug,  substance or chemical not legally obtained, and any prescription drug, 

      substance or chemical not being used for prescribed purposes. 

Violation of this policy may be cause for immediate termination of volunteer duties.  


Personal and Emergency Contact Information 

It is the responsibility of each volunteer to regularly update their personal contact information and emergency contact information with the Executive Director. 



Participants and Relatives as Volunteers 

Participants and relatives of participants may be accepted as volunteers where such service does not  constitute an obstruction to or conflict with provision of services to the participant or others. All volunteers over the age of 18 years must have a contact information form and picture ID on file before volunteering. All visiting volunteers are required to have approval by the Executive Director prior to arriving. 



Volunteer Age Requirements 

MOWS greatly appreciates its community support, especially with volunteerism. Our organization has multiple volunteer opportunities, each with different age requirements. In some cases,  volunteers may need to be accompanied by an adult. 

The age requirements for each volunteer opportunity are listed as: Central Kitchen 

The age requirement to volunteer in the MOWS Kitchen is 10 years and older. Any volunteer who is  under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult or teacher if volunteering with a school. Volunteers under the age of 18 years will not be able to work with knives or other sharp objects in the kitchen. Children 10-18 years old will be given age-appropriate kitchen duties to maintain their safety and the safety of others.  All visiting kitchen volunteers are required to have prior approval by the Executive Director before helping in the kitchen.

Meal Delivery 

To deliver meals to our program participants, volunteers must be at least 18 years of age with a valid driver's license and insurance information on file. Any driving volunteer who is under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult during deliveries. All adults delivering or accompanying a driver must have a completed information form and valid driver's license on file with the Executive Director.  All visiting volunteers are required to have approval by the Executive Director prior to arriving. 


Code of Conduct Agreement